Sunday, March 10, 2013

story one

It is an early morning in February after Valentine's Day, Brooke notices that there is a crack on the wall. Her father explains that happens when a house is settling. He tells her that means the house is slightly sinking into the ground and the house cracks because the materials aren't flexible enough to handle the movement. So Brooke says flexible means when something can stretch but doesn't break. For example: a rubber band will bend any way but a brick won't bend at all. Smart girl!

Every one feels a little shake. Then the shaking gets bigger and bigger and bigger. Then the house sinks into the ground faster and faster and faster.

Then more and more dirt is seen until only dirt can be seen out the window. Daddy and his daughters were wondering how that was happening. They grabbed their shovels and some masks. Then they opened the door and dug up and up until they saw light. Then they all finally came out of the dirt tunnel. Then daddy went to the car and he drove them to school. After school was done their mother picked them up. She asked why their clothes were so dirty. The girls looked at each other and laughed.